life is a series of mishaps + missteps. of fumbles + falls. bruises, broken hearts + open wounds. scars deposited along the path of your journey. every marking, a record of your past, a symbol of your willingness to choose a life-lived. an embodiment of fearless freedom, to explore, to witness + receive a life of flawless imperfection. every line, a testimony of your truth, a directory of choices, moments + memories. a monument of lessons, loves + loves-lost. a transcript to recount + remind. an archive of existence. a collection of inscriptions, honouring a life led with fearless freedom to move + to choose without hesitation. to simply receive each marking as fond memory of a lesson—an opportunity to change direction, to shift perspective, to grow closer to the you you are meant to be.
life is a series of mishaps + missteps.
fumbles + falls.
an archive of existence.
recollection of growth.
memory of fearless freedom.
tale of your truth.
embrace, embody,
fearless imperfection.